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Privacy on purposeYou maintain control of your dataall Jars
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Dome has no cookies for you
cookies Jar
Dome has no cookies for you. We only have a single set of cookies but it never tracks you.
This single set of cookies connects to our internal software to verify that Dome stays in compliance with privacy laws throughout the United States.
Dome has zero bots
bots Jar
That’s right, we’ve designed the platform to prevent bots from registering. Each user is verified.
bots Jar
spies Jar
Spies, trolls, and trackers are banned
spies Jar
Spies, trolls, and trackers all need tools and tricks inside software in order to function. That’s why we did not build any of the features they need.
Dome is launching in stages. At first, we will be an easy-to-use calendar of free policy events in Washington and available online